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4 Freelancing Fields for Digital Nomads 

A short look remote opportunities for nomadic freelance writers

May 19, 2021

The world changed in 2020, especially true when it comes to our jobs. With more industries going digital, there is an all-time high availability of freelance work and remorse opportunities. 

This rise of  digital assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs)  has also allowed young creators to expand their audience. NFT’s are making it easy for digital creators to showcase and monetize their work all over the world. Leading to an increase in profits and career growth. Everything from writing to digital art, paintings, and fashion can be viewed, owned, and traded by collectors worldwide through the authenticate blockchain.

Perhaps, Serendipian, you’re thinking, “but I don’t have any experience as a freelancer or with NFTs.” Well, you’re in luck! Content writing is one of the most lucrative, simple, and in-demand freelance sectors to get into that requires no experience. It’s important that we nurture the health of our international communities, and writing opportunities can provide the would-be digital nomads whether to jump-start a new career or start a high-earning side hustle; we’ve outlined four of the best content writing fields to get into.

Who is Freelancing For?

Online earning is essentially for everyone. If you’ve ever written a caption of Facebook or Instragram, social media post, blog article, or email (and chances are you have.) …you’re already halfway there! Many companies (and websites) will actually pay to have this work done for them. Most of them would fire freelance work or remote workers rather than hire, train, and pay for in-house writers. 

With the emerging NFT market, digital artists profits from their own creative projects easier through digital tokens on the blockchain. This essentially has changed the creative process, allowing writers to create and sell original digital pieces for the first time for companies that also need things like website content, blogs, advertisements, invites, social media posts but don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves. Content marketing has risen in popularity over traditional advertisements. Losing out on this form of marketing can be devastating for a company. It can result in a loss of potential customers and a failure to engage with their audience, which in turn leads to the loss of clients and growth.

Below we will outline the most lucrative categories to get into if you want to start monetizing your writing. Best of all is that you hardly need anything to get started. All it requires is a computer, a writing desk, an internet connection, some imagination, and (of course) dedication;

(1) Website Content

Web content is the broadest category of freelance writing jobs. However, web content is actually pretty simple stuff. And, you’re in luck seeing as every company needs a website.

Everything from the landing page, to the ‘about us’, ‘contact page’, articles, and biographies on a website needs to be written. But most companies don’t have the time, knowledge, and skill to do it which is why they hire outside help.

For this type of work, the writing skills you might find helpful are knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization). This is the process of optimizing online content so that a post comes up when searched for. For example, inserting things like keywords, external links, etc. can all help generate views.

However, if you haven’t heard of this term before or were unaware of its importance, consider taking a free online course. Websites like Coursera and EdX offer free virtual classes that you can do at your own pace.

(2) Blogging

Blogging is known as the primary category of content and is essential in providing context to the audience. 

As a blog writer, you can expect to be given a topic and told to expand on it. This type of article generation is also dom to showcase a brand’s personality. It can be used as a way to outline the services or products offered and how they differentiate from others in the market. 

Without them, some viewers might not find the site reliable which is why so many websites seek out professional help.

Additionally, many companies seek out ghostwriters to handle the blogs on their behalf. A ghostwriter is someone who is hired by a company to write under the company’s name. For this type of writing, the company will typically seek out someone who is well-spoken and aware of the brand’s voice. That way, they can still receive high-quality content and be credited for the work.

However, keep in mind that for a ghostwriter position you won’t have your name attached to it which might deter some from entering the field.

If you are unsure where to begin looking for these jobs, there are a number of websites that assist young writers. One of the best places is Fiverr. This site works as a link between young freelancers and potential clients. As a freelancer, you’re able to post samples of your blogs on the site where potential clients can browse through to assess if you’re a match.

Many artists also believe that with the growth of NFT’s your creativity with this type of writing is endless. Blogging allows people from all over the world to view and ‘own’ your pieces (the buyer will receive proof of ownership and authenticity). Something that will only gain popularity in the future and help to grow your career over time.

(3) Social Media

Another great area for you to explore as a freelancer is social media. Social media is now a critical part of any business. However, if not used properly (or regularly) a brand won’t make it very far.

So, where do you come in as a content writer? Well, every post, description, and story needs to be written. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all rely on consistent engagement with their audience and companies hire content writers for it.

Plus, it can actually be pretty simple work. Most companies will provide you with photos or an idea of the posts they would like lined up for a given month, week, etc. Then, after receiving these writing prompts, you get to work blending fun and engaging copy, emojis, short sentences, and more. Typically, being used to promote events, new products, and upcoming sales.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in a great website for you to check out is Simply Hired. This platform is solely dedicated to freelance work available in your designated area. Meaning, you don’t have to waste time browsing through jobs that don’t suit you.

(4) Advertisement and Sales Copy

Chances are you’ve seen and been exposed to thousands of advertisements in your lifetime. But, did you know that many brands will actually pay you to write these for them? 

This type of content can take on a few different forms such as a social media post, email, or pop-up ad on a website. For example: sometimes it can be as simple as a promoted post on Facebook or Instagram with a quick, witty, and engaging caption. Or, it might take on the look of a long-form article that’s been cleverly designed to ‘inform’ the reader. 

  Regardless, the company will typically outline what they want to achieve from a particular post, which platform it is for, and what you are expected to write on.

Plus, as with most of the other forms of content writing, this position doesn’t require in-depth knowledge. Rather, a friendly tone, engaging writing style, and dedication to get the job done.

If you’d be interested in this, consider signing up for the website Freelancer. This website is actually the largest site solely dedicated to freelance work with over 32 million registered users. This means you’ll be able to connect and apply for countless positions.

Getting Started

Although getting started might seem like a daunting task, once you’ve established yourself in the industry you’ll be amazed at the opportunities it gives.

Being a freelance content writer can give you the financial and personal freedom you’ve been looking for with the monetization of a skill you love. It remains one of the most lucrative freelance careers to get into. Given all the different types of content, you’ll get the creative flexibility of choosing projects you love. Plus, it’s one of the few career opportunities that are popular in the digital nomad community. 

Today’s blockchain technologies, provides a blanket of protection for the artists of the future wherein NFTs people from all over the world will be able to buy, sell, trade, and view your pieces. Participating in this brave new world will be key to ensuring you’ll be well on your way to online earning.